My first time here was during this year's "Festival Neue Literatur" in February. What a winter - it had been extremely cold the days before, but the day we had our Literary Brunch at Deutsches Haus the weather changed. As if spring wanted to say "hello", the ice was melting, people walked slower through the streets. But it wasn't just for the weather that I associate a welcoming atmosphere with Deutsches Haus. I got the same impression this time and I'm very happy Deutsch Amateur Gay Tumblr be here again. How did you like it and how would you describe your experience as a contributor? It was such a great experience. I really enjoyed being there and spending some days and nights with interesting writers, translators, and people from various cultural institutions here in New York. Was FNL also your first time in New York? What has changed since your first New York visit? Yes, it was my first stay in New York and it has only been ten months, so I can't say much about how the city has changed. However, during my last visit I stayed in Brooklyn, so this time I'm in quite a different neighborhood. And I've got much more time. I don't have this kind of feeling anymore, that I have to see and do everything at once, which overwhelmed me in the first days. There is only one vague plan: to really be here, to experience and collect as much daily life as possible. I love exploring the city spontaneously by strolling along and I like the idea that I'm on an island and I could possibly walk from one end to the other, as long as I stay in Manhattan. What are you currently working on? And what are your plans for the future? Do you plan to return to the United States? I just finished a short story, and now I'm writing an essay for an exhibition at the Literaturmuseum in Vienna. Afterwards I would love to start working on my next book. Right now I don't want to think about returning to the United States, because I don't want to think about leaving; there are still some weeks to go. But I definitely plan to come back one day. I only know New York in winter, it must be fabulous in summer or spring. You lived in New York in the s and returned to the city in What has changed in your opinion and how do you perceive the city today in contrast to your experience in the 90s? You could buy it only at Union Square Green Market. Nowadays there are Green Markets and organic food restaurants all Deutsch Amateur Gay Tumblr Manhattan. In one word: boring! Twenty years ago it was a lively event. The pictures you took in the s were in black and white, the ones from in color. What do you think might happen if you create photographs combining both elements within a single image? I prefer pure Italian food, pure Chinese food, pure American food, pure Austrian Food. In photography I stick to the same approach. Either black and white or color. Although I must confess that some years ago I experimented with a mixture of both. But I was not satisfied with the results. In the photo exhibition at Deutsches Haus I will not only show color pictures, but also four in black and white. I leave it to the viewer to make a judgment. You said that you were really fascinated by the skyscrapers when you moved here in the s and that you saw them as a symbol of power and money. What are Deutsch Amateur Gay Tumblr thoughts on the newly erected One World Trade Center? Frankly: It is too low! The developers should have had the courage to build it twice as high. It looks measly. How do you feel about the continuous gentrification in big cities like Berlin, New York, Paris, and Vienna?
In the four weeks or so that I have been here I have seen and enjoyed many exciting events, from film screenings to panel discussions to lectures or concerts. My larger research project these days concerns itself with representations of madness in the U. Auch ein Ex-CDU-Politiker ist involviert. Bislang verweigert Telegram deutschen Ermittlern selbst für die Aufklärung schwerer Straftaten wichtige Informationen. Recherchen von WDR , NDR und SZ zeigen: Hinter den Kulissen des Untersuchungsausschusses herrschte Chaos.
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