Today we're talking about Megillus, a trans-masculine character in the 2nd-century text Gay Asia Spy Tumblr of the Courtesans. Tune in for three separate queer characters, the complexities of discussing transness in the ancient world, and a whole host of mythological examples of ways to be queer. If you want to listen to the episode on Roman women for some background, you can check it out here. Check out our website, where you can find our sources, as well as everything there is to know about Queer as Fact. If you enjoy our content, consider supporting us on Patreon, checking out our merch, and following us on Instagram, Tumblr and Bluesky. Today's episode is on the 17th-century nun, saint, and religious leader Walatta Petros. Join us for Queer as Fact's first visit to Ethiopia, as we learn about 17th century religious conflicts; discuss Walatta Petros' lifelong relationship with Eheta Kristos; and wade into scholarly debate on exactly what the nuns in her community were getting up to. She is holding a cross, and has a halo above her head. Hier klicken, um den Feed zu aktualisieren. Today's episode is on the US Civil War soldier Albert Cashier. Tune in for some heartwarming trans acceptance in the s, a wild genealogy trip, and an unpleasant discovery about how often Civil War soldiers bathed. Today's episode is on the mystery of Australian banker and rower John Lempriere Irvine. Join us to hear about rollerskating balls, rowing drama, and the possibilities of gay life in 19th century Australia. Today we're joined by Lazou from Nuances: Our Asian Stories to discuss her series Queering Premodern Asia. Join us as we chat about the complexities of queer history, the importance of non-Western stories, and queer Chinese ghosts. Today's episode is on a passage from the work of 14th century French Jewish writer and translator Qalonymos ben Qalonymos. Join us to learn about Qalonymos' life, explore their understandings of gender through a passage from their Gay Asia Spy Tumblr the Even Bochan, and discuss its connections to historical and modern Jewish practice. Today's episode is on the 19th-century Japanese artist Okuhara Seiko. Join us to Gay Asia Spy Tumblr about gender in Japan's Meiji era, an s coming-out party, and getting a doctor's certificate to cut your hair. Join us as we learn about the history of lucha libre, the growing visibility of queer wrestlers and whether a luchador could become president of Mexico. We're back! Today's episode is on the Australian singer and male impersonator, Nellie Small. Join us to hear about the experiences of people of colour in 20th-century Australia, Nellie's extensive and stylish suit collection, and an unfortunate reminder that, regardless of your gender presentation, your boss will always try to steal your wages. Today's episode is on the Dutch cellist, conductor, and WWII resistance fighter Frieda Belinfante. Join us to hear about Frieda's groundbreaking career as a female conductor, the many women who fell in love with her, and how to forge a s Dutch ID card in excruciating detail. If you enjoy our content, consider supporting us on Patreon, checking out our merch, and following us on Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook. Today's episode is on the Hungarian palaeontologist, geologist, spy and ethnographer, Franz Nopcsa. Join us as we discuss dinosaurs, Franz's travels in Albania, and the world's first plane hijacking. Today's episode is on the English writer Jane Austen. Join us as we discuss whether Jane was queer, on-stage lesbian Mr Darcy, and the evolving queerness of Austen adaptations. Today's episode covers the s All American Girls Professional Baseball Gay Asia Spy Tumblr, and the television series based on it, A League of Their Own. Join us for a discussion featuring shoes deemed "excessively masculine-looking", perhaps too many women named Dottie, and more "close, life-long friends and roommates" than you can shake a stick at. In today's episode, Irene and Alice interview historian and author Danielle Scrimshaw about her new book, She and her Pretty Friend. She and her Pretty Friend is the first book of its kind, exploring the history of Australia's queer women. We discuss the queer generation gap, how to navigate changes in queer language and identity as a historian, and the experience of doing research in the spaces between recorded histories. It shows two women on a purple background surrounded by native Australian plants.
Weitere Information zur Tagung können Sie hier hochladen. In ganz Deutschland wird in diesem Jahr schon zum Das Verstehen von kulturellen Zusammenhängen bedeutet immer auch eine Konstruktion des zu beschreibenden 'Anderen'. Felicitas Hoppe, geboren in Hameln, schreibt Erzählungen und Romane. Zwei Elfjährige prügeln sich.
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