Herbert List 7 October — 4 April was a German photographer, who worked for magazines, including VogueHarper's Bazaarand Lifeand was associated with Magnum Photos. His austere, classically posed black-and-white compositions, particularly his homoerotic male nudes, taken in Italy and Greece being influential in modern photography and contemporary fashion photography. Herbert List was born on 7 October to a prosperous business family in Hamburgthe son of Luise and Felix List. While still a student he became apprenticed in the family company, Landfried Coffee. During this time he began taking photographs. In he met Andreas Feininger who inspired his greater interest in photography and gave him a Rolleiflex camera. From he began taking portraits of friends and shooting still life ; was influenced by the Bauhaus and artists of the surrealist movements, Man RayGiorgio De Chirico and Max Ernst ; and created a surrealist photograph titled Metaphysique in a style he called fotografia metafisica in homage to De Chirico, his most important influence during this period. List used male models, draped fabric, masks and double-exposures to depict dream states and fantastic imagery. He has explained that his photos were "composed visions where [my] arrangements try to capture the magical essence inhabiting and animating the world of appearances. While there are surface similarities to Nazi imagery of the athletic male body—that of Leni Riefenstahl for example—unlike them, List's pictures of friends are portraits as much as they are nudes, nor did List endorse Nazi ideas, nor did his work influence National Socialist photography. He never published his male nudes in his own lifetime, and kept them hidden in his mother's house in a sack he called his 'poison bag'. Otherwise photography would be useless as an artistic medium. Inin response to the danger of Gestapo attention to his openly gay lifestyle and his Jewish heritage, List left Germany for Paris, where he met George Hoyningen-Huene with whom he travelled to Greece, deciding then to become a photographer. Brunon Guardia for l'Intransigeant. This photographer, having perfected a method based on the geometric laws of composition and the interplay of contrasts, applies to it all a Germanic rigour. The choice of his subjects, the pose of the model, the placement of the object, deliberately artificial, contribute to the coldness of the results. But we are in front of work that is a superb demonstration. The staging is always remarkable in itself except for the facile Gay Grandpaa Pic Galerie use of wax dolls and masks, but this distant monument which is really part of a bicycle placed in the foreground, or these shells taken at point-blank range on sand in front of a mirror that reflects the dunes, are worth stopping for. Even in the less commendable equivocation of certain nudes, Herbert List shows himself to be an ingenious director, and a faithful interpreter. There is therefore, for gifted amateurs and for many professionals, much to draw from these excellent lessons, even if it means returning later to more soulful expressions. Hoyningen-Huene referred him to Harper's Bazaar magazine, and —39 he worked for Arts et Metiers GraphiquesVerveVoguePhotographieLife and lesser publications including La Belle France. He turned back to still life imagery, continuing in his fotografia metafisica style. From to List traveled in Greece and took photographs of ancient temples, ruins, sculptures, and the landscape for his book Licht über Hellas. In the meantime he supported himself with work for magazines Neue LinieDie Dame and for the press from toand with portraits which he continued to make until Induring World War II, he was forced to return to Germany; but because one of his grandparents was Jewish [ 12 ] he was not allowed to publish or work professionally. In he was drafted into the German military, despite being of partly Jewish ancestry. He served in Norway as a map designer. After the war, he photographed the ruins of Munich where he continued to live untilworking mainly for the Swiss magazine Duwith freelance photo essays for HeuteEpocaLookHarper's BazaarFlairand Picture Post. He was made art editor of Heute magazine, published by the Allied occupying forcesin InList met Robert Capawho invited him to work as a contributor to Magnumbut he rarely accepted assignments. During this time he also started using a 35 mm film camera and a telephoto lens. Audenand Marlene Dietrich in Over the period —62 he visited Italy, Greece, Spain, France, Mexico, and the Caribbean. List's picture of a woman, her black dress spread about her, reclining at a respectable distance from an elderly man reading, with one leg of his trousers rolled above his socks and garter, both enjoying the spring sunshine on the front steps of the Glyptothek in Munich, was selected by curator Edward Steichen for the world-touring Museum of Modern Art exhibition The Family of Manseen by 9 million visitors. In List was awarded the David Octavius Hill Prize of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Lichtbildner. List is best known for his book Junge Männer which contains more than seventy images of young men lounging in the sun, wrestling and innocently regarding the camera lens. List gave up photography in the early s to concentrate on his collection of Italian Old Master Drawings. List died in Munich on 4 April[ 21 ] and his archive was absorbed in the Ratjen collection which was later acquired by the National Gallery in Washington. Gay Grandpaa Pic Galerie move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Permanent link Page information Cite this page Get Gay Grandpaa Pic Galerie URL Download QR code.
Gallery Newman. Der Ort wird zum Sommersitz mehrerer Leipziger Künstler wie G. The large selection of different styles on m2 offers visitors a wide variety of different works and at the same time the opportunity to find something to suit every budget. In List was awarded the David Octavius Hill Prize of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Lichtbildner. But at the time that thi. His works, including countless masterful woodcuts, are characterized by the concept of realism of the time, but his depictions of young people initially found little favor with the state authorities, who found this view of youth too westernized.
Gallery Newman
Mirroring borders will be added to the actual picture. Find the perfect gustav von baron stock photo, image, vector, illustration or image. Available for both RF and RM licensing. | 7 PM Program: Short presentations with experts from Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg & Roundtable discussion with the audience. Not ready to hang. Herbert List (7 October – 4 April ) was a German photographer, who worked for magazines, including Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, and Life, and was. You will receive the canvas bigger than actual size which is stated in the size.He served in Norway as a map designer. During this time he also started using a 35 mm film camera and a telephoto lens. References [ edit ]. Le Congres S'Amuse. The staging is always remarkable in itself except for the facile Hoffmannesque use of wax dolls and masks, but this distant monument which is really part of a bicycle placed in the foreground, or these shells taken at point-blank range on sand in front of a mirror that reflects the dunes, are worth stopping for. The same tiling may be said of Karl Gustav Hellqvist, except that he is to be creditedwith a preference in general for Swedi. Categories : births deaths German erotic photographers Nude photography German people of Jewish descent Magnum photographers Gay photographers German gay artists German LGBTQ photographers People educated at the Gelehrtenschule des Johanneums Photography in Greece Gay Jews German fashion photographers German photojournalists Photographers from Hamburg 20th-century German LGBTQ people. Brunon 16 July We rely on a network of curators and artists from across the art world. Xi'rl;ii'inia Janliiiei, V'ti-r 2. In Summers, Claude J. Today, the art epoch of socialist realism is a closed chapter in German art history. Home About us Artists Events Newsletter The Art Box Hamburger Toggle Menu. Authority control databases. Preparation of appraisals for works by the artist Jürgen Wittdorf. Motive die ursprünglich als Holzschnitt gedruckt wurden erscheinen als Kunstdruck-Edition bis zunehmende Altersdemenz, betreut durch Freunde und das Unionshilfswerk Berlin Aus der Zusammenarbeit wurde im Laufe der Zeit eine gute Geschäftsbeziehung. In the future, small events will also take place where visitors can, for example, come into direct contact with the artists. Jürgen Wittdorf was born in Karlsruhe in From today's perspective, his works are more than a contemporary document of the tension between the socially fixed norms of the GDR and his very personal view of this society. But we are in front of work that is a superb demonstration. The choice of his subjects, the pose of the model, the placement of the object, deliberately artificial, contribute to the coldness of the results. German photographer — Germany United States France BnF data Czech Republic Spain Netherlands Norway Greece Sweden Poland Vatican Israel Catalonia. ISBN In other projects. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September Photographer [ edit ]. Here, you can download the latest updates about our exhibitions, artists, and special events. The renowned German art historian Dr. It is by the German artist Baron Gustav von Mardefeld and dates from the early 18th century.