Hello, I'm the male photographer near Zurich Switzerland, in the center of Europe. If you are a bear, a musclebear or a masculine muscled man, then let's realize your very personal bear photo session in a friendly and professional atmosphere making photo shooting easy and fun. On agreement, photo shootings can be organized near your place as Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, Geniva, Hamburg, Kopenhagen, London, Lisbon, Madrid, Milano, Munich, Oslo, Paris, Prague, Rom, Zurich and other good locations. Selection of places for photo shootings, click here. Details and contact here on my site. Current projects - Art MEN - art and design meet masculinity. Resident Muscle Bear Model. M O D E L S MuscleBearModels. S C H L Ü S S E L W Ö R T E R Deutsch SSL ästhetische FotosAkt BilderBären KerleBart Männerbehaarte Männerbehaarte KerleBilderbullige KerleBullenBerlinBodybuilderstramme Burschenknackige BurschenBusiness ShootingsDeutschlanderotische BilderEuropaFotograf MännerFotografieFotografienFotosFoto Shootingsgay Männergratis professionelle Bildergratis Foto Shooting, Jungs Fotosknackige Bärenknackige Kerleknackige Männerkostenloses Foto Shootingkostenlose Kerle Fotoskräftige Bärenkräftige Männerkräftige Jungskräftige Kerlestramme Männermännliche KerleJungs und Kerle FotosMünchen BayernMuskelBärenMuskelMännernacktNackt Foto ShootingPartner Shootingsprofessionelle Akt FotosÖsterreichSchweizstämmige Jungsstämmige Kerlestämmige Männerstramme Jungsstramme Kerlestramme MännerStuttgart Badenwürtenbergwoof. Ihr Browser unterstützt Inlineframes nicht oder zeigt sie in der derzeitigen Konfiguration nicht an. M A L E P I C T U R E S home new sites bear art bear couples bearded men photography ginger men hairy male photography industrial jock straps leather lost places male photography musclebears mountains hiking nature nude photography outdoor male photography professional musclebear photos project MENbox project LeCorbusierMEN project DaliKissMEN project TattooedMEN Spanish musclebears photos sports bears male underwear urban Free Gay Knackige Kerle In Underwaer photography wrestling singlets bear city trips Europe.
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