Your child is becoming more emotional, more independent and has a good understanding of their place, as well as the place of others, within their world. Talking about sexual health and sexuality now will help start the conversation and keep it going as your child ages. Read more about what your child is experiencing in this stage of Gay Fuck Joung Boys. Click the link to learn more about children with Differing Abilities. Your child gets information from all kinds of places, Gay Fuck Joung Boys as family, friends, teachers and the media. Talk about sexual health including sexuality and relationships —it teaches your child that they can come to you for information. Some kids will start to notice the beginnings of puberty. Give your child the facts about their body and a basic understanding of puberty. This will help them to understand that these changes are normal and healthy. Try to explain things in terms that they will understand. Here are some examples:. Menstruation : Sometime during puberty, ovaries will release 1 egg cell each month. If this egg is fertilized by a sperm, it grows into a baby. To get ready for the fertilized egg, the uterus builds up a thick lining of blood and tissue. This lining is where the fertilized egg would grow into a baby. Nocturnal Emissions wet dreams : These start when testicles start to make sperm. Some nights, when a person is sleeping, semen comes out of their penis. The small amount of semen will leave a wet spot on pyjamas or bed sheets. Wet dreams usually end later in puberty. Menstruation and nocturnal emissions wet dreams can be scary for kids. Making sure your child knows about them before they happen can make things less scary. There are many ways to encourage healthy sexuality and development. At this stage, children should know:. To learn more, see Additional Resources. Click to learn Tips for Talking About Sexual Health. In Alberta, the curriculum includes sexual health outcomes beginning in grade four. To learn more, see Curriculum Overview on our Teacher Portal. This resource will help you prepare for the ongoing conversations you'll have with your child about sexual health. Whether you've had conversations in the past or not, it's never too late to start! See sample questions and answers to help you start conversations about sexual health with your child. Learn about the differences between sex, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation. For guidance discussing issues like sexual health with your child from birth to 12 yearsdownload the parent guide for children. Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display. Development Physical Slow and steady growth continues. Some kids may start to experience physical changes related to puberty. Sexual Exploring their body is common. Their main attachments are still often with those of the same gender. May masturbate, sometimes to orgasm. Emotional Emotions change quickly and reactions are strong — kids this age may be sensitive and dramatic. They can be helpful, cheerful and pleasant as well as rude, bossy and selfish. Starts to show more independence from parents and family. They may explore adult roles with reverse role-play e. Learns to describe their experiences and talk about their thoughts and feelings better. Has their own sense of humour and enjoys telling jokes.
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