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For an alphabetical list of articles on West German films see. Nassir Navab is a full professor and director of the Laboratories for Computer Aided Medical Procedures at Technical University of Munich (TUM) and an. This is a list of the most notable films produced in Cinema of Germany during the s.

Computed tomography-based anatomic suitability of an Endo-Bentall prosthesis for ascending aortic aneurysms Aldag M, Nana P, Panuccio G, Torrealba J, Schofer N, Spanos K, von Kodolitsch Y, Brickwedel J, Demal T, Detter C, Brent Ewert Gay Videos T J VASC SURG. Spatial characteristics of non-communicable diseases and their associations to social conditions in a large urban cohort in Germany-Results from the Hamburg City Health Study Andrees V, Bei der Kellen R, Augustin M, Gallinat J, Harth V, Hoven H, Kühn S, Lautenbach A, Magnussen C, Mohr N, Twerenbold R, Schäfer I, Waschki B, Zyriax B, Augustin J PLOS ONE. Publisher Correction: Inflammatory burden, lifestyle and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: insights from a population based cohort study Bay B, Blaum C, Kellner C, der Kellen R, Ojeda F, Waibel J, Arnold N, Behrendt C, Rimmele D, Thomalla G, Twerenbold R, Blankenberg S, Zyriax B, Brunner F, Waldeyer C SCI REP-UK. Inflammatory risk and clinical outcomes according to polyvascular atherosclerotic disease status in patients undergoing PCI Bay B, Vogel B, Sharma R, Sartori S, Leone P, Nathani M, Oliva A, Smith K, Hooda A, Sweeny J, Dangas G, Kini A, Krishnan P, Sharma S, Mehran R CLIN RES CARDIOL. Long-term cardiotoxicity in germ cell cancer survivors after platinum-based chemotherapy: cardiac MR shows impaired systolic function and Brent Ewert Gay Videos alterations Beitzen-Heineke A, Rolling C, Seidel C, Erley J, Molwitz I, Muellerleile K, Saering D, Senftinger J, Börschel N, Engel N, Bokemeyer C, Adam G, Tahir E, Chen H EUR RADIOL. Introducing Attribute Association Graphs to Facilitate Medical Data Exploration: Development and Evaluation Using Epidemiological Study Data Bellmann L, Wiederhold A, Trübe L, Twerenbold R, Ückert F, Gottfried K JMIR MED INF. Multiple instance ensembling for paranasal anomaly classification in the maxillary sinus Bhattacharya D, Behrendt F, Becker B, Beyersdorff D, Petersen E, Petersen M, Cheng B, Eggert D, Betz C, Hoffmann A, Schlaefer A INT J COMPUT ASS RAD. Self-supervised learning for classifying paranasal anomalies in the maxillary sinus Bhattacharya D, Behrendt F, Becker B, Maack L, Beyersdorff D, Petersen E, Petersen M, Cheng B, Eggert D, Betz C, Hoffmann A, Schlaefer A INT J COMPUT ASS RAD. Risk of somatic symptom disorder in people with major medical Brent Ewert Gay Videos Cross-sectional results from the population-based Hamburg City Health Study Buck L, Peters L, Maehder K, Hartel F, Hoven H, Harth V, Härter M, Löwe Brent Ewert Gay Videos, Toussaint A J PSYCHOSOM RES. Through the patients' eyes: psychometric evaluation of the item version of the Experienced Patient-Centeredness Questionnaire EPAT Christalle E, Zeh S, Führes H, Hahlweg P, Zill J, Härter M, Bokemeyer C, Gallinat J, Gebhardt C, Magnussen C, Müller V, Schmalstieg-Bahr K, Strahl A, Kriston L, Scholl I BMJ QUAL SAF. Late diagnosis of Marfan syndrome is associated with unplanned aortic surgery and cardiovascular death Claus J, Schoof L, Mir T, Kammal A, Schön G, Kutsche K, Behrendt C, Kallenbach K, Kölbel T, Kubisch C, Demal T, Petersen J, Brickwedel J, Hübler M, Detter C, Kirchhof P, Debus E, Rybczynski M, von Kodolitsch Y J THORAC CARDIOV SUR. Somatic symptom disorder symptoms in individuals at risk for heart failure: A cluster analysis with cross-sectional data from a population-based cohort study Clifford C, Twerenbold R, Hartel F, Löwe B, Kohlmann S J PSYCHOSOM RES. Anticoagulation in Patients With Device-Detected Atrial Fibrillation With and Without a Prior Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack: The NOAH-AFNET 6 Trial Diener H, Becher N, Sehner S, Toennis T, Bertaglia E, Blomstrom-Lundqvist C, Brandes Brent Ewert Gay Videos, Beuger V, Calvert M, Camm A, Chlouverakis G, Dan G, Dichtl W, Fierenz A, Goette A, de Groot J, Hermans A, Lip G, Lubinski A, Marijon E, Merkely B, Mont L, Nikorowitsch J, Ozga A, Rajappan K, Sarkozy A, Scherr D, Schnabel R, Schotten U, Simantirakis E, Vardas P, Wichterle D, Zapf A, Kirchhof P J AM HEART ASSOC. Impact of Baseline Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction on Midterm Outcomes in Women Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: Insight from the WIN-TAVI Registry Di Muro F, Vogel B, Sartori S, Tchetche D, Feng Y, Petronio A, Mehilli J, Bay B, Gitto M, Lefevre T, Presbitero P, Capranzano P, Oliva A, Iadanza A, Sardella G, Van Mieghem N, Meliga E, Leone P, Dumonteil N, Fraccaro C, Trabattoni D, Mikhail G, Ferrer-Gracia M, Naber C, Sharma S, Watanabe Y, Morice M, Dangas G, Chieffo A, Mehran R AM J CARDIOL. Current management of atrial fibrillation in routine practice according to the last ESC guidelines - An Ehra Physician Survey. How are we dealing with controversial approaches? Guerra J, Moreno Weidmann Z, Perrotta L, Sultan A, Anic A, Metzner A, Providencia R, Chun J EUROPACE. Is loneliness associated with cancellation of medical appointments during the COVID pandemic? Evidence from the Hamburg City Health Study HCHS Hajek A, Petersen E, Schäfer I, Harth V, Koch-Gromus U, Härter M, Schulz H, Scherer M, König H BMC HEALTH SERV RES. Sex-specific Genetic Determinants of Right Ventricular Structure and Function Harbaum L, Hennigs J, Pott J, Ostermann J, Sinning C, Sau A, Sieliwonczyk E, Ng F, Rhodes C, Tello K, Klose H, Gräf S, Wilkins M AM J RESP CRIT CARE. Patient experiences of interprofessional collaboration and intersectoral communication in rare disease healthcare in Germany - a mixed-methods study Inhestern L, Otto R, Brandt M, Zybarth D, Oheim R, Schüler H, Mir T, Tsiakas K, Dibaj P, Zschüntzsch J, Okun P, Hegenbart U, Sommerburg O, Schramm C, Weiler-Normann C, Härter M, Bergelt C ORPHANET J RARE DIS. Keeping to the Rhythm of Cardiovascular Health Kany S, Khurshid S EUR J PREV CARDIOL. Multimodal characterization of dilated cardiomyopathy: Geno- And Phenotyping of PrImary Cardiomyopathy GrAPHIC Keil L, Berisha F, Ritter S, Skibowski J, Subramanian H, Nikolaev V, Kubisch C, Woitschach R, Fabritz L, Twerenbold R, Blankenberg S, Weidemann S, Zeller T, Kirchhof P, Reichart D, Magnussen C ESC HEART FAIL. Does atrial fibrillation ablation prevent cardiovascular death, stroke, and heart failure events? Kirchhof P, Parwani A, Schenker N HEART RHYTHM. Regulation of the Activity of the Dual Leucine Zipper Kinase by Distinct Mechanisms Köster K, Dethlefs M, Duque Escobar J, Oetjen E CELLS-BASEL. Pulsed-field- vs. Oral anticoagulation in device-detected atrial fibrillation: effects of age, sex, cardiovascular comorbidities, and kidney function on outcomes in the NOAH-AFNET 6 trial Lip G, Nikorowitsch J, Sehner S, Becher N, Bertaglia E, Blomstrom-Lundqvist C, Brandes A, Beuger V, Calvert M, Camm A, Chlouverakis G, Dan G, Dichtl W, Diener H, Fierenz A, Goette A, de Groot J, Hermans A, Lubinski A, Marijon E, Merkely B, Mont L, Ozga A, Rajappan K, Sarkozy A, Scherr D, Schnabel R, Schotten U, Simantirakis E, Toennis T, Vardas P, Wichterle D, Zapf A, Kirchhof P EUR HEART J. Comparison of ante- and postmortem ventricular wall thickness using echocardiography and autopsy findings Lohner L, Ondruschka B, Garland J, Tse R, Suling A, Sinning C VIRCHOWS ARCH. Prognostic Relevance of Ischemic Late Gadolinium Enhancement in Apparently Healthy Endurance Athletes: A Follow-up Study Over 5 years Lund G, Leptin S, Ragab H, Sinn M, Fierenz A, Cavus E, Muellerleile K, Chen H, Brent Ewert Gay Videos J, Harms P, Kisters A, Starekova J, Adam G, Tahir E SPORTS MED-OPEN. A novel platform allowing for pulsed field and radiofrequency ablation: First commercial atrial fibrillation ablation procedures worldwide with and without general anesthesia Metzner A, Rottner L, Moser F, My I, Lemoine M, Wenzel J, Obergassel J, Ismaili D, Schäfer S, Kirchhof P, Ouyang F, Reissmann B, Rillig A HEART RHYTHM. Deep learning-based NT-proBNP prediction from the ECG for risk assessment in the community Neyazi M, Bremer J, Knorr M, Gross S, Brederecke J, Schweingruber N, Csengeri D, Schrage B, Bahls M, Friedrich N, Zeller T, Felix S, Blankenberg S, Dörr M, Vollmer M, Schnabel R CLIN CHEM LAB MED. Comparison of a novel self-expanding transcatheter heart valve with two established devices for treatment of degenerated surgical aortic bioprostheses Nikolayevska O, Conradi L, Schirmer J, Reichenspurner H, Deuschl F, Blankenberg S, Schäfer U CLIN RES CARDIOL. Subtle signs of atrial cardiomyopathy and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction are associated with reduced cognitive function: results from the Hamburg City Health Study Ohlrogge A, Camen S, Nagel L, Brederecke J, Jensen M, Stenmans E, Engler D, Schulte C, Albrecht J, Csengeri D, Kirchhof P, Cheng B, Petersen M, Mayer C, Börschel C, Wenzel J, Blankenberg S, Kühn S, Thomalla G, Schnabel R CLIN RES CARDIOL. Publisher Correction: High resolution optical mapping of cardiac electrophysiology in pre-clinical models O'Shea C, Winter J, Kabir S, O'Reilly M, Wells S, Baines O, Sommerfeld L, Correia J, Lei M, Kirchhof P, Holmes A, Fabritz L, Rajpoot K, Pavlovic D SCI DATA. Reduced olfactory bulb volume accompanies olfactory dysfunction after mild SARS-CoV-2 infection Petersen M, Becker B, Schell M, Mayer C, Nägele F, Petersen E, Twerenbold R, Thomalla G, Cheng B, Betz C, Hoffmann A SCI REP-UK. A latent clinical-anatomical dimension relating metabolic syndrome to brain structure and cognition Petersen M, Hoffstaedter F, Nägele F, Mayer C, Schell M, Rimmele D, Zyriax B, Zeller T, Kühn S, Gallinat J, Fiehler J, Twerenbold R, Omidvarnia A, Patil K, Eickhoff S, Thomalla G, Cheng B ELIFE. High circulating dipeptidyl peptidase 3 predicts mortality and need for organ support in cardiogenic shock: An ancillary analysis of the ACCOST-HH trial Picod A, Nordin H, Jarczak D, Zeller T, Oddos C, Santos K, Hartmann O, Herpain A, Mebazaa A, Kluge S, Azibani F, Karakas M J CARD FAIL. Right ventricular strain to systolic pulmonary artery pressure ratio in response to treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension Pott J, Csengeri D, Ostermann J, Klose H, Sinning C, Harbaum L ERJ OPEN RES. Safety and efficacy of long-term Sodium Channel Blocker therapy for Early Rhythm Control: The EAST-AFNET 4 trial Rillig A, Eckardt L, Borof K, Camm A, Crijns H, Goette A, Breithardt G, Lemoine M, Metzner A, Rottner L, Schotten U, Vettorazzi E, Wegscheider K, Zapf A, Heidbuchel H, Willems S, Fabritz L, Schnabel R, Magnussen C, Kirchhof P EUROPACE. Differences in impact of current and former shift work on cardiovascular risk factors, carotid atherosclerosis, and white matter integrity Rimmele D, Petersen E, Affolderbach S, Petersen M, Cheng B, Mayer C, Nägele F, Harth V, Terschüren C, Kühn S, Zeller T, Gerloff C, Thomalla G Sleep advances : a journal of the Sleep Research Society. Popeye-domain-containing proteins modulate the voltage-gated cardiac sodium channel Nav1. A Retrospective Analysis of year Experience on Branched and Fenestrated Endovascular Aortic Arch Repair Rohlffs F, Nana P, Panuccio G, Torrealba J, Tsilimparis N, Rybczynski M, Detter C, Kölbel T ANN SURG.

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Jahrbuch Sexualitäten - Nomos eLibrary Kühnisch, J., Theisen, S., Dartsch, J. Heart failure, recurrent vascular events and death in patients with ischemic stroke-results of the MonDAFIS study. Prdm16 mutation determines sex-specific cardiac metabolism and identifies two novel cardiac metabolic regulators. ›Black Is Beautiful‹ | Zeithistorische Forschungen

Olive Moorefield , Ursula Lingen , Dieter Borsche , Rolf Boysen [ de ] , Paul Hartmann. Grigoryan, T. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99 13 : Helmuth Lohner , Karin Baal , Gustav Knuth. Maria Schell , O. Translational investigation of electrophysiology in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Flenner F, Jungen C, Küpker N, Ibel A, Kruse M, Koivumäki J, Rinas A, Zech A, Rhoden A, Wijnker P, Lemoine M, Steenpass A, Girdauskas E, Eschenhagen T, Meyer C, van der Velden J, Patten-Hamel M, Christ T, Carrier L J MOL CELL CARDIOL.

Curriculum Vitae

»Mehr Sexualität, die Herrschaften!«, soll der Schriftsteller Oskar Ma- ria Graf einst seinem Publikum zugerufen haben. Tab. Eckdaten des BfS-Forschungsprojektes. Die Entscheidung über. Prdm16 mutation determines sex-specific cardiac metabolism and identifies two novel cardiac metabolic regulators. Kühnisch, J., Theisen, S., Dartsch, J. Heart failure, recurrent vascular events and death in patients with ischemic stroke-results of the MonDAFIS study. Projektname: Evaluierung neuer CT-Techniken und Bestimmung der mit ihnen erzielten Strahlen-.

Immunity 12 6 : Nature Medicine 24 7 : Marie Versini , Götz George , Dietmar Schönherr , Teri Tordai. The Junge Union simply declared that its black corporate design was meant to create a visually unified look and that black was a fitting color for a party with Christian roots, symbolizing strength and power. Journal of Cell Biology 2 : Renate Ewert , Vivi Bach. Impact of Baseline Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction on Midterm Outcomes in Women Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: Insight from the WIN-TAVI Registry Di Muro F, Vogel B, Sartori S, Tchetche D, Feng Y, Petronio A, Mehilli J, Bay B, Gitto M, Lefevre T, Presbitero P, Capranzano P, Oliva A, Iadanza A, Sardella G, Van Mieghem N, Meliga E, Leone P, Dumonteil N, Fraccaro C, Trabattoni D, Mikhail G, Ferrer-Gracia M, Naber C, Sharma S, Watanabe Y, Morice M, Dangas G, Chieffo A, Mehran R AM J CARDIOL. Fornes, O. The need for PCSK9 inhibitors and associated treatment costs according to the ESC dyslipidaemia guidelines vs. EMBO Journal 37 17 : e IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 3 , , mehr… Bitarafan, Adeleh; Azampour, Mohammad Farid; Bakhtari, Kian; Soleymani Baghshah, Mahdieh; Keicher, Matthias; Navab, Nassir: Vol2Flow: Segment 3D Volumes Using a Sequence of Registration Flows. Willimsky, G. Don't Tell Me Any Stories. Koche, R. Johanna von Koczian , Maria Sebaldt , Günther Schramm , Elisabeth Flickenschildt. Stewart Granger , Pierre Brice , Elke Sommer , Götz George , Sieghardt Rupp. Jessy Does Not Forgive Neuron 17 6 : Hans Nielsen , Anaid Iplicjian , Vera Tschechowa. Establishment of gastrointestinal assembloids to study the interplay between epithelial crypts and their mesenchymal niche. Patterning of muscle acetylcholine receptor gene expression in the absence of motor innervation. Cornelia Froboess , Peter Kraus. Muller, T. Medals for the Boys a. Schütte, T. Hahn, A.

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