Mit medbee Pocketcards schnell und sicher entscheiden. Leitlinien-Wissen kostenlos und immer griffbereit auf ihrem Desktop, Handy oder Tablet. Aus Angst vor Blutungen wird Patienten mit Vorhofflimmern nicht selten ASS anstelle einer Antikoagulation verordnet. Zumindest im Hinblick auf intrakranielle Blutungen bietet ASS jedoch nicht mehr Sicherheit als direkte orale Antikoagulanzien, zeigt eine Metaanalyse. Eine aktuelle, auf Daten aus der Routineversorgung in Deutschland basierende Analyse bestätigt die in der ISAR-REACTStudie gezeigte Überlegenheit des Plättchenhemmers Prasugrel gegenüber Ticagrelor bei Patienten mit akutem Koronarsyndrom. Die COMET-Studie zeigt, dass aktives Monitoring bei Patientinnen mit duktalem Carcinoma in situ DCIS hinsichtlich der kumulativen Zwei-Jahres-Rate an ipsilateralen invasiven Karzinomen der leitliniengerechten Standardbehandlung nicht unterlegen ist. Dennoch wird von einem Verzicht auf eine Operation abgeraten, wie in einem begleitenden Editorial betont wird. In diesem CME-Kurs können Sie Ihr Wissen zur EKG-Befundung anhand von zwölf Video-Tutorials auffrischen und 10 CME-Punkte sammeln. Menü Hauptrubriken Chevron down icon Chevron up icon CME Facharzt-Training Webinare Zeitschriften Bücher e. Medpedia Podcast. Apps Newsletter Abo-Shop. Fachgebiete Chevron down icon Chevron up icon Anästhesiologie Allgemeinmedizin Arbeitsmedizin Augenheilkunde Chirurgie Dermatologie Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe HNO Innere Medizin Kardiologie Neurologie Onkologie und Hämatologie Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie Pädiatrie Pathologie Psychiatrie Radiologie Rechtsmedizin Urologie Zahnmedizin. Springer Medizin. Suche Suchbegriffe eingeben Suchen. AIDS and Behavior. GBMSM living in these settings may face unique barriers to HIV prevention, including legal barriers and increased sexuality-based stigma. It is therefore imperative to tailor HIV prevention and care resources to recognize the lived realities of GBMSM in these settings. Central to this is the accurate measurement of sexuality-based stigma. However, there is wide inconsistency in how sexuality-based stigma is measured among GBMSM in resource-poor settings. This paper reviews recent studies of sexuality-based stigma among GBMSM in resource-poor settings, finding great variability in measurements. The results of the review call for greater attention to the development of contextually and culturally specific measures of sexuality-based stigma for GBMSM living in resource-poor settings. Bitte loggen Sie sich ein, um Zugang zu diesem Inhalt zu erhalten. Jetzt einloggen Kostenlos registrieren. Nur mit Berechtigung zugänglich. Zurück zum Zitat United Nations Population Fund Implementing Comprehensive HIV-STI Programmes MSM: Practical Guidance for Collaborative Interventions. United Nations Population Fund Implementing Comprehensive HIV - STI Programmes MSM: Practical Guidance for Collaborative Interventions. Zurück zum Zitat PAHO, WHO, UNAIDS. HIV and AIDS in the Americas: An Epidemic with Many Faces. PAHO, WHO, UNAIDS. Zurück zum Zitat Beyrer C, Baral SD, Van Griensven F, et al. HIV in men who have sex Gay Ego Perspektiv Porn men: global epidemiology of HIV infection in men who have sex with men. CrossRefPubMedPubMedCentral Beyrer C, Baral SD, Van Griensven F, et al. CrossRef PubMed PubMedCentral. Zurück zum Zitat Beyrer C, Sullivan PS, Sanchez J, et al. HIV in men Gay Ego Perspektiv Porn have sex with men: a call to action for comprehensive HIV services for men who have sex with men. CrossRefPubMedPubMedCentral Beyrer C, Sullivan PS, Sanchez J, et al. Zurück zum Zitat Andrinopoulos K, Hembling J, Guardado ME, de Maria Hernandez F, Nieto AI, Melendez G. Evidence of the negative effect of sexual minority stigma on HIV testing among MSM and transgender women in San Salvador, El Salvador. AIDS Behav. CrossRefPubMed Andrinopoulos K, Hembling J, Guardado ME, de Maria Hernandez F, Nieto AI, Melendez G. CrossRef PubMed. Zurück zum Zitat Arnold MP, Struthers H, McIntyre J, Lane T. Contextual correlates of per partner unprotected anal intercourse rates among MSM in Soweto, South Africa.
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Ingenfeld, Merle Sexual prejudice and gender: Do heterosexuals' attitudes toward lesbians and gay men differ? The Ego Identity Status Approach to Ego Identity. In J.E. Marcia. Anhand der Debatte um HIV-Antikörpertests und „Safer Sex“ in den er Jahren in der BRD wird im Artikel aufgezeigt, wie die Entwicklung eines Modells der. Sexual CulturesThe impact of universal access to antiretroviral therapy on HIV stigma in Botswana. So konnte die Gruppe auf dem 3. The Joanna Briggs. You accuse us of forging patient records. Spitzenrezensionen aus Deutschland.
Sexual prejudice and gender: Do heterosexuals' attitudes toward lesbians and gay men differ? In J.E. Marcia. Albert Moll was one of the most influential sexologists during the first three decades of the twentieth century. What does it mean to be at the end of life, the end of a family. Anhand der Debatte um HIV-Antikörpertests und „Safer Sex“ in den er Jahren in der BRD wird im Artikel aufgezeigt, wie die Entwicklung eines Modells der. The Ego Identity Status Approach to Ego Identity. What queer modes of resilience and care can teach us about enduring environmental collapse.Jugendsexualität The author gives a comparative account of the work of these three protagonists. Princeton: Princeton University Press; Amphetamine-type stimulant use among men who have sex with men MSM in Vietnam: Results from a socio-ecological, community-based study. Freud eds , Frankfurt: Fischer, , She instead follows the kaleidoscopic ways in which sexual politics are embedded in social relations of all kinds — not only the intimate relations of love and family with which gender and sex are routinely associated, but also secularism, freedom, race, disability, capitalism, nation and state, housing and the environment. At the same time, these materialities come to signify exactly those populations whose energy escapes the extractive efforts of capitalism and the state. He urged for self-constraint, as well as the appreciation of achievements in other nations. OpenEdition Freemium. Despite this apparently growing minority view, religion continues to be an important part of many people's experience in the United States. Sexual stigma, coping styles, and psychological distress: a longitudinal study of men who have sex with men in Beijing, China. Steinach, Krafft-Ebing, Hirschfeld, Freud , which is why this project places special emphasis on a transnational discourse emanating from the German-speaking world. German Pop Literature: A Companion. This volume is a welcome and impressive contribution. A Taste for Brown Bodies argues that practices and subjectivities that we understand historically as forms of homosexuality have been regulated and normalized as an extension of the US nation-state, laying bare the tacit, if complex, participation of gay modernity within US imperialism. Was aber sollen sie thun? Tracing the transnational formation of the native boy as racial fetish object across the last century, Lim follows this figure as he is passed from the hands of the colonial empire to the postcolonial nation-state to neoliberal globalization. He was indeed one of the first in the medical profession who tried to amalgamate psychology and scientific medicine. Characteristics of men who have sex with men in Southern Africa who seek sex online: a cross-sectional study. Personal Soc Psychol Bull. In the process, Morrison presents a scathing indictment of psychoanalysis and its impact on the study of sexuality. German Pop Literature: A Companion , edited by Margaret McCarthy, Berlin, München, Boston: De Gruyter, , pp. Sexual Identity and Faith Helping Clients Find Congruence By Mark A. See Ralf Dose and Hans-Günter Klein eds , Mitteilungen der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft , 2nd edn, 2 vols Hamburg: von Bockel, Reports of a recent dip in American religiosity cite the rise of the "nones," or those who hold no religious affiliation, a stance especially prominent among millennials Pew Research Forum, b. PPI bei eosinophiler Ösophagitis: Dosis aufteilen bringt mehr!