We congratulate our alumna Nora Derbal. Her newly published book "Charity in Saudi Arabia: Civil Society under Authoritarianism" has been selected as one of the "Books of the Year " by the Times Literary Supplement in November This bilingual volume examines the relationship between faith, norms and everyday objects from the perspectives of different disciplines. The objects testify to the fact that rules and norms that restrict the freedom of the individual exist in all societies, but are at the same time permanently questioned, renegotiated, and changed. With contributions by Stefan Maneval, Schirin Amir-Moazami, Amro Ali, and others. Our alumna Nora Derbal has published her dissertation "Charity in Saudi Arabia: Civil Society under Authoritarianism", an ethnographic study of everyday charity practices in Jeddah as part of the Cambridge Middle East Studies book series, published by Cambridge University Press. The 34th DOT will take place from September 12 to 17, at the Freie Universität Berlin. In 24 sections representing the entire range of relevant disciplines, scholars of all career stages will present and discuss their research, among them several of our PIs. Our PIs Beatrice Gründler, Shabo Talay and Alberto Cantera Glera are part of the organising committee. Arabic Manuscripts among the Alawi Bohras of South Asia" shifts the focus from the study of manuscripts as material objects to the social framework within which they gain meaning through their interaction with readers. The project "Mobility Regimes of Pandemic Preparedness and Response MoRePPaR : The Case of Covid" examines and compares strategies for mobility monitoring and restriction in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Africa, South Korea, and Germany with regards to their individual, social, and political repercussions. The forth issue of GAMSzine, the magazine of the Department of Gender and Media Studies for the South Asian Region at HU Berlin, has been published. With contributions by Bkack Gay Ghana Twitter Jansen, Salma Siddique and Nadja-Christina Schneider, among others. Bockholt's monograph is published Open Access by the Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Reimer explores the potential of art, literary and other forms of expression to shape our understanding of transnational migration. Written from a large variety of disciplines, it includes analyses of diasporic fashion, cinema, literature, performances, mixed media installations, painting and photography. Our alumnus Syaifudin Zuhri has published his dissertation "Wali Pitu and Muslim Pilgrimage in Bali, Indonesia. Inventing a Sacred Tradition". This ethnographic study investigates issues of saint worship tradition, relations between Islam and Hinduism and between different Muslim groups in Bali. Our alumnus Jannis Julien Grimm has published his dissertation "Contested Legitimacies. Repression and Revolt in Post-Revolutionary Egypt". Our alumna Laura Hindelang recently published her dissertation "Iridescent Kuwait. Petro-Modernity and Urban Visual Culture since the Mid-Twentieth Century". In it, she examines the visual legacy of petro-modernity in Kuwait through a variety of different visual sources ranging from historical photographs to contemporary art. The third issue of GAMSzine, the magazine of the Department of Gender and Media Studies for the South Asian Region at HU Berlin, has been published. In their October issue, campus. The second issue of GAMSzine, the magazine of the Department of Gender and Media Studies for the South Asian Region at HU Berlin, has been published. With contributions by Nadja-Christina Schneider and Salma Siddique, among others. The newly published dissertation of our alumnus Philip Bockholt is a historiogriphal study of writing chronicles in the premodern Islamic world. Prathama Banerjee from the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies in Delhi speaks about anti-historical excursions from South Asia. With an introduction by Kai Kresse ZMO, BGSMCS and discussion with Abdulkader Tayob University of Bkack Gay Ghana Twitter Townmoderated by Hansjörg Dilger BGSMCS. The annual Berlin Southern Theory Lectures at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient aim to decenter and diversify theoretical debates in the social sciences and humanities. The dissertation of our alumnus Benedikt Pontzen was published as a book. Our alumna Nadja Danilenko has published her dissertation "Picturing the Islamicate World. In Bkack Gay Ghana Twitter monography, she explores the oldest preserved maps of the Islamicate world and their manuscript tradition. For her book What is 'Islamic' Art? Between Religion and Perception Cambridge University Press,Prof. Wendy M. Shaw has received the MESA Book Awardthe most significant prize in Middle Eastern Studies worldwide. In her book, Shaw explores the perception of arts, including painting, music, and geometry through the discursive sphere of historical Islam.
This project was supported by BGSMCS. The annual Berlin Southern Theory Lectures at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient aim to decenter and diversify theoretical debates in the social sciences and humanities. Our alumna Nora Derbal has published her dissertation "Charity in Saudi Arabia: Civil Society under Authoritarianism", an ethnographic study of everyday charity practices in Jeddah as part of the Cambridge Middle East Studies book series, published by Cambridge University Press. Nach Angaben von Human Rights Watch liegen 33 der 69 Länder, die Homosexualität verbieten, in Afrika. With an introduction and moderation by Alexis von Poser Staatliche Museen zu Berlin , Hansjörg Dilger, Sandra Calkins and Kristina Mashimi all three FU Berlin. Krimitipp Schwulenbonus versus Frauenquote.
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It was a candid sharing of stories about queer sexual experiences. Das Gesetz, das auch die Förderung und Finanzierung von LGBTQ+ Ideologien in Ghana kriminalisiert, hat internationale Kritik ausgelöst. The opening night panel was titled Shameless, a word that usually has a negative connotation. "Faith Travels by Streetcar": New Edited Volume by BGSMCS Alumnus Stefan Maneval. Im. In our Africa Info Hub we collect information, insights and press articles about the African continent and provide them to all people interested in Africa. This bilingual volume examines the relationship between faith, norms and.The book of our Alumna Juliane MüllerNahrungsmittel in der arabischen Medizin. The award honours outstanding structured doctoral programmes. Er hatte seine Zustimmung zu dem Gesetz von der Entscheidung des Verfassungsgerichts abhängig gemacht. We decided to leave before the issue escalated. Personal Profile of Wendy Shaw DRS Award for Excellent Supervision. New monograph by our alumnus Max Kramer: "Mobilität und Zeugenschaft: Unabhängige Dokumentarfilmpraktiken und der Kaschmirkonflikt" Is independent documentary filmmaking possible in the Kashmir conflict? This project was supported by BGSMCS. The Dahlem Research School honoured Wendy Shaw for her exceptional commitment in the supervision of doctoral researchers. Die Institutionendatenbank des Afrika-Infoportals gibt einen Überblick über aktive Institutionen im deutsch-afrikanischen Kontext. Philip Geisler's Trickster Orchestra with New Concert Projects Co-directed by our fellow Philip Geisler, the Trickster Orchestra currently presents new concert projects. Buchcover von "Minding their Place" Image Credit: —. Read the book here Philip Bockholt's alumni profile. The 34th Deutsche Orientalistentag at Freie Universität Berlin The 34th DOT will take place from September 12 to 17, at the Freie Universität Berlin. Second Southern Theory Lecture at ZMO Prathama Banerjee from the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies in Delhi speaks about anti-historical excursions from South Asia. To the DOT homepage. Samantha Mugatsia, who plays Kena in Rafiki, was on this panel. Obituary for Axel Havemann On October 11, , PD Dr. Hawass - Contemporary Archive Virtual Showroom Open Research Exchange Our alumn Alina Kokoschka just published the beta version of her website "hawass". One of the enduring issues on this panel was brought up by Linda Pepper, also known as Kenyan Babydyke to her online community. Diese Aktion wurde als ein hartes Vorgehen gegen Prostituierte getarnt. April Anstieg von Übergriffen Menschenrechtsgruppen warnen bereits vor den Auswirkungen des Gesetzes. Her newly published book "Charity in Saudi Arabia: Civil Society under Authoritarianism" has been selected as one of the "Books of the Year " by the Times Literary Supplement in November Das Pride and Protest Panel stellte durch Geschichten über Trauma, Ausdauer und Frustration eine emotionale Reise dar. Kai Kresse publishes book on "Swahili Muslim Publics and Postcolonial Experience" "Swahili Muslim Publics and Postcolonial Experience" is an exploration of the ideas and public discussions that have shaped and defined the experience of Kenyan coastal Muslims. Neo Musangi; a gender non-conforming scholar, artist, and performer; on the other hand, felt no looming responsibility toward those who might come after them.