In the middle of the gay heart of the Dutch capital you will find the inviting gay bar PRIK. Here you can enjoy excellent cocktails, meet friends or make new ones. Especially at the weekends there is always something going on and the mood here is just hilarious. The cheesy decor is very cozy and gives a living room atmosphere. Copyright: PIRK PRIK: Friendly gay bar in the city center Delicious drinks in the gay district In the middle of the gay heart of the Dutch capital you will find the inviting gay bar PRIK. Spuistraat SV Amsterdam Amsterdam-Centrum. Closed - opens h. Recommended by Pinky. This location guarantees you can be who you are! Gay clubs, bars and queer parties in Amsterdam Is Burning. Is Burning is the gay event of Carlos Valdes. Cocktail D'Amore IsBurning The. Side Amsterdam: Sunday October 20, from pm. BACKDOOR Amsterdam. The event in Amsterdam for gay and open-minded party-goers. Experience high-quality performance shows, hot Go-Go-Boys and lots of fun. BACKDOOR Party Amsterdam: March Brug Your restaurant in Amsterdam. Here you can have a delicious breakfast, lunch or a drink in the evening. Closed - opens today h. Spijker Bar Amsterdam. The oldest gay bar in Amsterdam! Cozy cruising bar with terrace, pool table, smoking room and play area with dark room. Drag Queen Bingo. Don't miss it! De Trut. Queer Sunday-Night Club for gays and lesbians. Non-commercial party with cheap drinks and admission. Entrance EUR 3. De Trut Party: open Gay Amsterdam Thursday Night Sunday from 10pm till 3am. Game Night PRIK. Game night every Tuesday in the gay bar PRIK Amsterdam! Play together, laugh and meet new people. Game Night Prik Amsterdam: every Tuesday from pm. Gay Amsterdam Thursday Night Halloween Ball. Europe's biggest fetish fantasy event in Amsterdam and Berlin.
Freizeittipps für The Hague. Here you can enjoy excellent cocktails, meet friends or make new ones. Das Wochenende naht, und das Heaven lädt zu einem unvergesslichen Start in die Nacht ein: Diesmal mit DjCK aus Köln. Queer Sunday-Night Club for gays and lesbians. Things to do in Rotterdam. Sonntag 12 Januar.
Things to do around Dortmund
Thursday at PM. Untergrund Club. Super Gay Friendly Club in Amsterdam, die tolle Musik spielt und hat super günstig Getränke und super Ethik! followers. Super Happy Thursday. Gay Clubs, Schwule Bars und Queer Partys in Amsterdam. Im Sommer kann man heiß aber es lohnt sich, denn. 🗓️ Date: November 23, Location: Amsterdam, WesterUnie Featuring: DJ Moussa and DJ Saeed Alimirzoev >> << Don't miss out on. Save this event: HALLOWEEN BOO Share this event: HALLOWEEN. From € chillten entertainment GmbH. Jeden dritten Donnerstag im Monat ist Super Happy Thursday at Night Barcelona!Explore more trends. Sektionen Toggle navigation. Spijker Bar Amsterdam. Februar , Uhr iCal. View 4 similar results. Gibt es ein besseres Weihnachtsdessert als verbotene Früchtchen? Thursday - Here you can enjoy excellent cocktails, meet friends or make new ones. Your restaurant in Amsterdam. Sunday Karaoke PRIK. Dezember lädt das Heaven zum glamourösen Countdown in Richtung Jahreswechsel. Europe's biggest fetish fantasy event in Amsterdam and Berlin. Friday at PM. FZW Dortmund. Kweer, Spitalgasse 14, Zürich Map. The infamous Saturday afternoon bingo in the SpijkerBar Amsterdam. The Waterhole. Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihren Browser. Side Amsterdam: Sunday October 20, from pm. Recommended by Pinky. Hoch die Hände, Wochenende! Diese Version von Internet Explorer wird nicht mehr unterstützt. Popular gay dance bar in Amsterdam. Freizeittipps für Antwerpen. Dienstag 31 Dezember. Samstag 28 Dezember.