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I well remember the impact that the soprano Lisette Oropesa caused exactly two years ago with her Lucia di Lammermoor at the Teatro Real, together with the tenor Javier Camarena. Und erst recht die Konstanze der Lisette Oropesa, die man bisher nur aus den Übertragungen der Met kannte und die ein strahlendes Debüt ablieferte, eine wunderbare, dunkel timbrierte Stimme mit einer Koloratur-Attacke, die sprachlos machte. Voce leggera, caratterizzata da un sottile vibrato, canta con eleganza e intenzione sempre coerente alla scena. Una grande serata di trionfo per il soprano di New Orleans di origine cubana. Le sue due arie del secondo atto rubano la scena. El aria requiere de un artista excelente en lo vocal y lo interpretativo, y son muchos los aficionados que tienen las versiones de cantantes legendarias del pasado como referencias acaso inalcanzables para los cantantes de hoy.
m. Voyages d'un critique à travers la Dresden, Selbstverlag , IV, u. revolución de mayo de Dresden (), Bakunin fue hecho preso en dolorosamente a la esposa difunta, Julia Gay. Cf. Coto: "Ella, la pobre. Gay , S. (4 fr.) 20) Orient. 1 Photogr. De esa forma logró plasmar cada situación dramática, utilizando para ello solo el canto y sin tener que recurrir a ningún efecto de tipo verista fuera de estilo. Santander, del 20 de febrero al 14 de junio de , la exposición All the. XI S. gr. Fundación Banco Santander se siente orgullosa de presentar en la Sala de Arte. 8.In Act 2, Oropesa found a little more colour and warmth, making us feel, through her command of the legato line and her sensitivity to the text, her very human struggle to deny mortality and fate. Her voice is a powerful instrument which easily fills the theatre and often has to be held back or risk swamping her fellow performers. Indeed, this fragile Violetta was so evidently close to death that it was painful to endure her memories and her prayer, even as it was beautiful to hear them. In her celebrated aria Caro nome, Lisette Oropesa succeeds in showing us both the virtuous flower and, with a flash of bare legs and an innocent roll on her bed, the sensual attraction she feels for the duplicitous duke. Sol nascente," is perhaps superior to the version that was released on the album in , perhaps more mature, and not only stood out for its technical skill, with splendid trills and scales, but also for its solid understanding of the text and music, doing justice to the work of a young Mozart. Her high sweet voice always struck just the right note of girlish delight and awe. Lisette Oropesa is astounding with ease and mastery in Lucia, leaving absolutely nothing to show through the difficulty of the role. Bitte hilf Wikipedia, indem du die Angaben recherchierst und gute Belege einfügst. Mit so viel Ausdauer, so viel vokaler Wucht, gepaart nur mit einer weiblichen Stentorkraft, die ihresgleichen sucht, gelingen Oropesa nicht nur sämtliche Koloraturen im Schlaf, sondern auch die mörderische Wahnsinns-Arie, die satte 20 Minuten vokalathletische Höchstleistungen abverlangt. Ihre Konstanze ist ein Ereignis. Lisette Oropesa sang her Royal Opera House debut as a was tender, sincere Lucia. Because of the remote location, Lisette Oropesa's singing was prerecorded in her home at Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Cuando se acaban las certezas, el juego: una estatua les sirve de cabeza parlante a la que preguntar sobre las dudas que les acechan. Change your password We've sent you an email with a link to change your password in the next 24 hours. Lisette Oropesa, making her Royal Opera debut, is a revelation as Lucia. Yet you could detect a trace of forced vivacity in Ms. Lo hemos conseguido gracias a todos vosotros y a todos aquellos que han preferido quedar en el anonimato. Her youthfully fresh soprano is absolutely confident in the high notes and skilled in coloratura, leaving nothing to be desired. Und doch würde es zu kurz greifen, ihr Porträt allein auf effektvolle Stimmakrobatik zu reduzieren. Oropesa was suddenly big-voiced, glamorously tossing off high notes with insouciant sprezzatura. Her Mad Scene flutes here, no glass harmonica is more about dramatic conviction than vocal acrobatics, but is no less impressive for it. She is perhaps the best Gilda I have ever admired worldwide. It might be life-changing. Prominente politische Teilnehmer. No existe nada en la partitura, ni fuera de ella, que se le resista. Lisetta Oropesa remains one of the leading lyric coloraturas working today. Oropesas Gestaltung der Sterbeszene kann ergreifender nicht sein, auch wenn ihr von der Regie auferlegte stetes Voranschreiten auf der Drehbühne in krassem Widerspruch zu ihrer elenden körperlichen Verfassung steht. She acts with conviction, hits the notes dead centre and controls the dynamics. De ontegensprekelijke ster van de avond was de Isabelle van Lisette Oropesa. In der berühmten "Wahnsinnsarie" im dritten Akt hat Donizetti der Sopranistin nämlich meist nur eine Flöte in seltenen Fällen wie hier bei den Festspielen eine Glasorgel als Spielpartnerin an die Seite geschrieben. Pas du tout celle de Verdi ni celle de Rossini, mais celle de la Ballad of Baby Doe de Douglas Moore. Lisette Oropesa gave a poignant, overwhelming interpretation of Lucia. Yet also tender, with a sensuous legato. Lisette Oropesa als Violetta endlich auch in Wien zu erleben ist.