Alright, I'm just going on with my day and silent bob is just eating a Turkey sandwich, then some fucker comes along and goes to silent bob and calls him "a fat ass piece of shit. I was about to sock the fucker in the face, but I noticed there was cops around and I didn't want to get any traction because that would mean I would have to go back rehab and deal with probation again, and I even have the good shit in my pocket and I don't want to lose that. So I ask the guy nicely "what the fuck are you bugging silent bob for? Only I can call him a fat fuck" then this man has the mofo audacity to say "well maybe he wouldn't be fat if he was eating so much meat" it was from that point, I knew it was another vegan prude that was about to give some shitty scpheel about shit I already know. And that's the thing you bitches need to understand. If I saw a guy suckin a dudes cock, I wouldn't tell him to stop "because it's gay" because I'm pretty sure they're already aware of that, in fact, another thing, I wouldn't even go up to them in general because it's not my fuckin buisness, just let them be. Unless they're forcing other people to become gay, it's not that big of a problem, let em be, and live your own mofo lifestyle, no one has to live yours. Dairy cows on factory farms are not milked by hand. Instead, they are hooked up to automated milking machines several times a day and the machines squeeze out the milk. This process causes many problems, including cuts, injuries, electric shock and infection. The most common condition that arises is an infection of the udders called mastitis. Mastitis is a potentially fatal infection of the mammary glands that can be incredibly painful, and is a major cause of early slaughter. You can help end their suffering by ditching dairy and choosing plant-based milk products! Guys, there is no way that you can watch this show and not be gay, not Cam Chat Gay Tumblr there is anything wrong with gay people they make good shit but for you to continuously say "I watch it because I learn about friendship and love". Bitch I learn that shit when I was in first grade, and you're telling me as a grown adult you need to watch a show in order to learn basic etiquette, then you Cam Chat Gay Tumblr to find a new life dawg. It's fuckin good if it was created as a flash animation on newgrounds, not for mainstream tv. If I asked you How'd you know the song ballroom blitz you'd say suicide squad. If you asked an awesome person they would say Wayne's World, Final scene. If I were to say sorry we were gone for so long, that'd be like saying sorry tumblr is so fuckin borin. That's why the proper and led repugnant way to say it is From my resources, silent Bob, if you fat shame them they will try to loose weight, what the Fuck are you trying to do, kill them? If you have seen what fat shaming has done to people, it has done nothing but good you sick fucks, peace! I'm fuckin bored again and I'm tired of playing the seducing song, so someone better fuckin chat with me. Posts Likes Following. I won't respect you for What you are, rather Who you are. Leave us alone Vegans. GIF by n-wordbelike. Why the fuck do you care. GIF by thewitchystuff. Freund: Ups das habe ich nicht erwartet. Aus der Abhängigkeit von anderen? Was meinst du? Lexi: Ehrlich gesagt habe ich keine Antwort auf die Frage. Kommt ja immer auf einen selbst an. Ich denke, es ist eher die Angst davor jmd. Freund: Ich bin eh nur Single, weil ich zu hässlich bin um eine abzubekommen. Lexi: Ach komm es gibt viel mehr Gründe warum man Single ist, die nichts mit dem Aussehen zu tun haben. Vielleicht will man ja gar keine Beziehung oder Cam Chat Gay Tumblr ist nicht bereit dafür; nur um ein paar zu nennen.
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