Guests of the panel discussion in the Little Synagogue Erfurt are David Johnson University of South FloridaSteve Estes Sonoma State University California and Franziska Kosian Queer Centre Erfurt. Moderation: Helen Gibson University of Erfurt. This evening we will discuss potentials of a gay and queer history as well as the situation of the LGBTQ community in the United States and here in Erfurt. We will open the evening with a lecture by US historian David Johnson, whose current project focuses on a history of LGBT issues in presidential politics. The contribution will be commented on by the US historian Steve Estes, who has conducted an interview project with gay and lesbian veterans and is currently a visiting professor at the University of Erfurt. Franziska Kosian will add a local perspective to Bauhaus Uni Gay Party contributions and talk about her experiences working at the Queer Center Erfurt. The evening will be moderated by historian Helen Gibson. The event will be in English. To the website of the University of Erfurt. Search Search in "Philosophische Fakultät". Search entire website. Search in "Philosophische Fakultät". Homepage Degree programmes and teaching Concept of Literary Studies Professorships Research Aktuelles Events Department Student Council. Startseite des Seminars Aktuelles Professuren Lehrbeauftragte Studium Forschung Personen Bauhaus Uni Gay Party Förderverein Alumni. Startseite Personen Theoretische Philosophie Praktische Philosophie Geschichte der Philosophie Wissenschaftsphilosophie. Startseite Profil Professuren Studium Forschung Fachschaftsrat Aktuelles. Home Study Chairs of Linguistics Research Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte Promotion People. Professorship Wissenskulturen der Europäischen Neuzeit. English and American Studies Profile Profile and Staff Course Organisation Tools fürs Seminar Student Life. Profile Subject areas Ansprechpartner Aktuelles Student council. Profil Personen Studium Aktuelles. B Slawistik. Course offerings Bachelor Master Further Education Enrolment as a doctoral candidate. Befor the Study Application, admission, enrolment Beschwerdemanagement Qualitätsmanagement Start ins Studium During the Study. Research at the seminars History Literary Studies Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft Religionswissenschaft Philology. Contested Democracy Studies for SpatioTemporality Erfurt Voluntariness Praxeologien der Wahrheit. Forschungsstelle "Political Epistemologies of Central and Eastern Europe PECEE " Forschungsstelle für Biografien ehemaliger Bauhaus-Angehöriger BeBa Forschungsstelle für Interkulturalität und Mehrsprachigkeit FIM Forschungsstelle zur Geschichte der älteren Universität Erfurt. Center for Empirical Research in Economics and Behavioral Sciences CEREB COMDIGMED Forum: Texte. Medien IGS "Resonant Self-World Relations" "Sprachbeherrschung" Wissensgeschichte der Neuzeit. DFG-Netzwerk "Wissensgeschichten des unverfügbaren Selbst" eTEACH-Netzwerk Thüringen Internationales Forschungs- und Nachwuchsförderungsnetzwerk für Interkulturelle Germanistik IFNIG Kulturtechniken des Sammelns Medienvertrauen in der digitalen Welt. News from the faculty News Publications Events. Deanery Seminar Spokespersons Study Direction Representative Officers for Master Programs Equal Opportunity Officer. Faculty Council Examination Committees of the Faculty Advisory Committees of the Faculty Officers and Representatives Faculty Student Councils Committee Dates. Homepage Faculty of Philosophy Faculty News from the faculty Events Fighting the Backlash — Gay and Queer History in Populist Times. Equal opportunity office, Faculty of Philosophy, Historisches Seminar, Education, School, and Behaviour, Religion, Society, and World Relations, Events. Fighting the Backlash — Gay and Queer History in Populist Times Date. Speaker s. Event type.
Fighting the Backlash – Gay and Queer History in Populist Times
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar - ICI Berlin come by if you need someone to talk to, want to hang out, plan a event, see. Gay Health Chat Beratung für schwule Männer: kompetent • kostenlos • anonym (Deutsch) Counselling for gay men: competent • free of charge • anonymous (English). - QueerYMR open meetings in every friday in maschinenraum. Queer YMR (@queerymr) • Instagram photos and videosHeartstopper is based on the graphic novel series of the same name by author Alice Oseman , who also wrote the screenplay for the series. Das vielfältige Programm lädt dazu ein, sich mit den komplexen Lebensrealitäten queerer Menschen auseinanderzusetzen, bietet Gelegenheiten zum Austausch und zur Begegnung sowie Räume zur Vernetzung und Stärkung der queeren Communities auf dem Campus, wie die Bauhaus-Uni mitteilt. Eat me, you pussies! We will report on these topics in more detail in the next newsletter. Miriam Benteler, the Diversity Officer, gave a short review of what the various audit working groups had discussed and worked out in the last year with regards to personnel development, teaching, advice on discrimination, and the awarding of scholarships.
Campus Pride Week an der Bauhaus-Uni Weimar
This evening we will discuss potentials of a gay and queer history as well as the situation of the LGBTQ community in the United States and here in Erfurt. Gay Health Chat Beratung für schwule Männer: kompetent • kostenlos • anonym (Deutsch) Counselling for gay men: competent • free of charge • anonymous (English). - QueerYMR open meetings in every friday in maschinenraum. A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies · GOETHE-INSTITUT · Graduiertenkolleg Past Events · Video · Series · Accessibility · Newsletter · People · Staff. come by if you need someone to talk to, want to hang out, plan a event, see.Citizens of the Cosmos 7 May Halts animations on the page. Fritz Thyssen Stiftung. Assoziation für politische Bildung und Gesellschaftsforschung e. Technische Universität Berlin. The complete bukof policy paper in German language as well as further information on the topic of »sexual discrimination and sexual violence at universities« can be accessed here. Berlin: Deutsche Aidshilfe. Referate des StuKo Bauhaus Internationals Digitale Infrastruktur Finanzen Haus Infrastruktur Hochschulpolitik Initiativenkoordination Kulturförderung Kulturveranstaltungen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Politische Bildung Regenbogen Übersicht Referate Referate Intern Geschäftsführung Kostenrückerstattung Webmail Cloud. Amsterdam University Press. A book about love, identity and sex that promotes respect and openness — fully artistically designed and contemporarily illustrated. We regularly organise events, like the QueerLaden biweekly evening meetup , discussions about queer subjects gender-mainstreaming; fairly gendered language; etc. Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Centre for Criminology University of Oxford. Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin — Institute for Advanced Study. But Nick, the star rugby player at Truham Grammar School for Boys, seems more interested in girls. Kultur weimar. Deine Gesundheit, Deine Rechte—Informationen, Tipps und Adressen Your Health, Your Rights — Information, Tips and Addresses. In autumn , a permanent memorial sign for lesbian prisoners will finally be installed at the Ravensbrück Memorial Site. Foto: Isaiah Rustad Unsplash. Gangarova, Tanja, Antje Sanogo, Mara Wiebe, Katja Römer What makes BBQ so unique? Although Charlie and Nick go to the same school, they only become acquainted when they are placed next to each other in mixed-year classes. Jan van Eyck Alumni Association e. Eine Woche lang wird sexuelle und geschlechtliche Vielfalt auf dem Campus gefeiert sowie queere Kunst und Kultur in den Mittelpunkt gestellt. Hidden Persuaders. Profil Personen Studium Aktuelles. Changes the background color from white to black. Die Veranstaltung erinnert an die von Nationalsozialisten verfolgten und ermordeten Homosexuellen, von denen rund Männer zwischen und in die Konzentrationslager Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora eingewiesen wurden. Profile Subject areas Ansprechpartner Aktuelles Student council. Homepage Degree programmes and teaching Concept of Literary Studies Professorships Research Aktuelles Events Department Student Council. Universität Mannheim. Vom Osteuropainstitut FU Berlin. Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe. Vorwerk 8. Logo of the »Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni«.