Paul Knobel. Bibliography of Homosexuality: The non-English sources. New York, JuneSydney, 29 October Reproduced here by special permission of the copyright owner Paul Knobel E-mail: Adrar Hotel Und Gay Nacht Club [at] gmail. Author, Title Sequence with Commentary on languages. General comments. Some notes on the languages and works from perusal of the records. Other ways of searching. Future trends in Worldcat for research in homosexuality. GREEK, ANCIENT. GREEK, MODERN. This bibliography, which comes to 4, records in 39 non English languages, derives from Worldcat and comes to 97, words. Worldcat, emanating from the United States, is the largest union catalog of libraries in the world and covers the world, with national libraries, university and research libraries increasingly joining. The bibliography was made 15—22 June when searches for the subject term "homosexuality" by individual languages were done using the Limit to: Language box eg "homosexuality" plus "Afrikaans", "homosexuality" plus "Arabic". It must be emphasized here that records in other languages using subject terms for homosexuality used by catalogers in other languages eg "homosexualität" used by German library catalogers do not appear; however, English language catalogers have done in my view a fairly thorough job of cataloging books relating primarily to homosexuality in non-English languages. The bibliography supplements the annotated bibliographies of homosexuality of Wayne R. Dynes, Homosexuality: an annotated bibliography and Gary Simes, Bibliography of homosexuality: a research guide to the University of Sydney Libraryboth of which cover the world, the latter being modeled on the former. These two works together constitute coverage of the subject to and contain 4, and 6, items respectively. However, there has been an accelerated volume of published works on homosexuality since and probably half the works in A bibliography of homosexuality: the non-English sources are new. Though the items are unannotated, records can be searched on Worldcat where the complete library record with subject terms and other details for example pagination and whether there are illustrations gives more information. See also the huge gay history internet site of Paul Halsall, People with a History, which concluded in the internet pages of Rictor Norton in Great Britain are excellent for English works as indeed is general internet searching. I also contributed many items to Gary Simes's bibliography. English language entries in Worldcat with subject "homosexuality" numbered 19, works in Junethat is at present nearly five times those in non English languages. Overall Worldcat had 25, entries relating to subject "homosexuality" in June The work has been published to make the non English sources available, especially to English speakers, but also to readers of other languages who it was felt would benefit from them eg readers of Korean may Adrar Hotel Und Gay Nacht Club to know of developments in research into homosexuality in Chinese and Japanese while correspondingly readers of French may want to know of developments in Spanish, Italian and Greek or even Russian and say, Chinese. Library catalogs increasingly have non roman scripts so records are usually both in these scripts as well as roman script. Works cataloged in Worldcat cover the following formats: books, the internet web sites are being increasingly archivedvisual sources including film, dvd, video and televisionarchival, serials that is periodicals, sometimes called journals in Englishsound, computer and articles. A breakdown of found works in any search appears in each of these categories with the found set of records in a column to the left. The records are listed alphabetically by language. Within languages, periodicals appear first, then works without authors and then works with authors listed alphabetically by author. Some works have more than 2 records; these works have been left since frequently duplicates in the brief form given here give additional information on a work. The following 39 languages were found to have records with the subject term "homosexuality" totals of records found are listed after each language : Afrikaans 26, Arabic 29, Catalan 14, ChineseCroatian 4, Czech 30, Danish 50, DutchFinnish 16, FrenchGermanGreek, ancient 1, Greek, modern 32, Hebrew 80, Hindi 2, Hungarian 12, Icelandic 1, Indonesian so called in Worldcat, but known in Indonesia, the world's fifth most populous country as Bahasa Indonesia, "the Indonesian language" 24, FrenchItalianJapaneseKorean 23, Latin 2, Latvian 1, Lithuanian 2, Malay 3, Malayalam 1, Maori 1, Norwegian 38, Persian 2, Polish 36, PortugueseRomanian 1, Russian 50, SpanishSwedishThai 11, Turkish 36 and Urdu 3. This makes a total of 4, records. The 10 most frequent languages for works relating to homosexuality apart from English with, as already noted, 19, records in Worldcat in June were GermanFrenchSpanishChineseDutchPortugueseJapaneseItalianSwedish and Hebrew with 80 records. As can be seen the records are not exhaustive for each language Ancient Greek has much more than 1 work on homosexuality and Latin many more than 2. Using "homosexuality" as a keyword will almost invariably bring up more records than using it as a subject term. But works given the subject term "homosexuality" by library catalogers can be regarded as of scholarly importance and even the fact that they have entries in Worldcat shows importance.
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